Blue Duck Station

Photo © Blue Duck Station
Blue Duck Station is a collection of accommodation lodges set on a working New Zealand farm. We offer top facilities, tracks and bush to view New Zealand’s varied birdlife, including many rare species. Along with experiencing NZ farming life, learning about both Maori and Pakeha local history, guests can also learn and partake in the conservation of our resident Whio (native Blue Duck) and Kiwi populations. This involves a large-scale trapping operation for stoats, rats, hedgehogs and cats. We can take you to spots where hopefully, you can see Whio in their fast-flowing natural habitat and at the right time of year, you can get to hear again, hopefully, some Kiwi! You will see we are committed to the conservation of our environment for future generations. Please visit our website for a closer look at what we have to offer.
Blue Duck Station Contact Details
Dan Steele
4265 Oio Road,
Whakahoro, RD 2,
Owhango 3990
(Volcanic plateau)
Blue Duck Station
RD 2,
Owhango 3990
Phone : 64 7 895 6276
Fax : 64 7 895 6276